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Where's Waldo?

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The "Where's Waldo?" activity is an interactive game that challenges participants to locate the famous "Waldo" character within an image. The activity takes place in evaluation mode and is designed to add a dose of competition to your meetings or events. Participants have three minutes to find Waldo and place their sticker on him to earn points!

Vorschläge und Varianten

You can use different images at each meeting or event to keep the game fresh and stimulating.

Organize leaderboards or awards to add a competitive element and get participants actively involved.

This activity can be a great icebreaker at the start of a meeting, or a fun way to round off an event!

Über den Autor

Author Beekast Beekast

Lassen Sie sich von den Aktivitätstemplates von Beekast inspirieren – fördern Sie in Ihren Meetings die kollektive Intelligenz, führen Sie partizipative Workshops durch oder bringen Sie mehr Dynamik in Ihre Besprechungen.

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5 bis 30 Min.
10 bis 30
Create a fun, engaging moment at the start of a meeting!
An entertaining moment that encourages interaction between participants.
Author Beekast Beekast