Start > Alle Templates > Who is who

Who is who

> Den Austausch initiieren

Energise the start of your meeting by offering your participants the opportunity to discover themselves in an original way by finding the statements that correspond to each candidate.

Vorschläge und Varianten

You can vary this activity by asking participants to come up with statements on specific topics: your favourite film, the sport you play, your passion, your department of birth, etc.

Über den Autor

Author Beekast Beekast

Lassen Sie sich von den Aktivitätstemplates von Beekast inspirieren – fördern Sie in Ihren Meetings die kollektive Intelligenz, führen Sie partizipative Workshops durch oder bringen Sie mehr Dynamik in Ihre Besprechungen.

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5 bis 30 Min.
2 bis 30
To get to know each other in a playful way
Creative ice-breaker, fun and easy to handle by the participants
Author Beekast Beekast