Liar liar

> Iniciar as conversas

Warm up your participants before a brainstorming or collaborative activity with this quick and easy ice-breaker activity. The principle is simple, each person proposes 2 truths and 1 lie and the participants must vote to find the lie of each person.

Sugestões e variações

You can vary this activity by asking participants to come up with two lies and one truth and to vote on which statement is true.

Sobre o autor

Author Beekast Beekast

Incentive a inteligência coletiva nas suas reuniões, realize workshops participativos ou torne as suas reuniões mais dinâmicas inspirando-se nos modelos de atividades da Beekast.

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5 a 30 min
2 a 30
To break the ice by getting to know each other
A simple ice-breaker that is ideal for energising participants at the start of a meeting
Author Beekast Beekast