Start > Alle Templates > Geo-Games


> Den Austausch initiieren

The Geo-Games template is a fun and engaging way to start a meeting! It allows participants to locate themselves geographically and discover where their team members are, whether in the office, teleworking from an unusual location, or elsewhere. This activity encourages interaction and breaks the ice before getting down to business.

Vorschläge und Varianten

Adapt the opening question to suit the theme of the meeting or to encourage specific discussions.

This model can also be used to discover participants' vacation plans, strengthening bonds. For example, you could ask: "Where are you planning to spend your Christmas vacation?" This variation will allow participants to share their travel plans and discuss their vacation destinations, adding a festive touch to the meeting!

Über den Autor

Author Beekast Beekast

Lassen Sie sich von den Aktivitätstemplates von Beekast inspirieren – fördern Sie in Ihren Meetings die kollektive Intelligenz, führen Sie partizipative Workshops durch oder bringen Sie mehr Dynamik in Ihre Besprechungen.

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5 bis 30 Min.
10 bis 30
Encourage team cohesion
Create a positive, relaxed atmosphere right from the start of a meeting.
Author Beekast Beekast